Progressive Building Society launches Green Mortgage

The Society is pleased to announce the introduction of a new mortgage product – the Green Mortgage.

We all need to do our part for the environment. Whether that’s cutting down on single-use plastic, reducing your carbon footprint, or buying an energy efficient home. Therefore, if you have a client who is purchasing a home with an A or B energy efficiency rating, they could avail of a cheaper mortgage rate.

Eligibility for Green mortgage

  • Our green mortgage is available for customers purchasing a home which has an A or B EPC rating

How can my client obtain an EPC rating for the home they wish to purchase?

EPC ratings are available with the property listing of the home that is for sale, and the estate agent should be able to provide this.

Your client can also visit the EPC website and search for an EPC rating for a property.

If the property is a new build property which isn’t built yet, the home will come with a SAP form or SAP calculation (which is obtained from the builder). ‘SAP’ is Standard Assessment Procedure Form and is used to calculate the potential EPC rating. 

Either the EPC or the SAP must be provided with the mortgage application.


Progressive’s Green Mortgage is not available for Self-employed income, fix term contract income or agency work income.

Please see our mortgage package for full details.